Giveaway: ‘First Man’

Neil Armstrong was the first man to step onto the Moon.

Now you can be the first to win a Blu-ray of Damian Chazelle’s “First Man” by answering the following questions — plus a bonus question.

The bonus question will be the tie-breaker, and if more than one person has it correct, the winner will be chosen by whoever responded first.

Answers should be received by 5 p.m., Friday, Jan. 11.

Good luck and thank you for participating.

What football-related projects involved Ryan Gosling and Kyle Chandler?

Name two actors who have portrayed astronaut Jim Lovell.

Neil Armstrong graduated from which Big 10 university?

Which of these actors has never portrayed an astronaut?

    Kevin Bacon

    Don Knotts

    Corey Stoll

    Scott Glenn

    Sam Shepard

Ed Harris has appeared in two NASA-related movies. Name them.

Bonus question: Which 1960s’ astronaut-related movie featured three Academy Award-winners, a “fugitive doctor” and an “idealistic teacher?”