Giveaway: ‘The Hustle”
If you are fans of Academy Award-winner Anne Hathaway and comic actor Rebel Wilson, then you need to check out and answer the questions below to try winning a Blu-ray copy of “The Hustle.”
The movie is making its home entertainment debut on Aug. 20 and to mark the occasion, Universal Studios Home Entertainment is giving away a copy of the movie.
Simply answer the five questions below as well as a tie-breaker and send your answers to me, Bob Bloom at bobbloomjc@gmail.com.
Deadline for entering is 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17.
Good luck.
Below are the questions:
1. Anne Hathaway made her motion picture debut opposite what Academy Award-winner?
2. “The Hustle” is an unofficial remake of what movie? And who were the original stars of that film?
3. What is Rebel Wilson’s real name?
4. From which university does Wilson have two degrees? And in what fields?
5. What actor has played Wilson’s love interest in four movies? Name the movies.
Bonus question:
For what musical adaptation was Hathaway being considered before she had to drop out because of a scheduling conflict? What character was she slated to play?
Again, deadline for entering is 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17.