ReelBob: ‘The Dalai Lama: Scientist’ ★★½
By Bob Bloom
I must admit that science — be it biology, chemistry, physics or any other discipline — is my kryptonite.
So, watching the documentary “The Dalai Lama: Scientist” had me in a fog at times.
The film looks at the Dalai Lama’s embrace of science and his interactions with scientists in such fields as cosmology, quantum physics, cognitive science and psychology, neuroscience and molecular biology and genetics.
Though most of what they discussed went over my head, I still found the movie fascinating.
Basically, the feature examines the similarities between Western and Buddhist science, and how tenets of research, investigation and experimentation are pillars to both.
A theme that runs throughout the movie is the surprised reactions by scientists who attended various conferences sponsored by the Dalai Lama. They went in with preconceived notions about a spiritual leader with, as one attendee admitted, with his head in the clouds.
Instead, they found a knowledgeable, curious and inquisitive individual well-versed in various facets of science and how the conclusions reached through research and testing by various scientists in their fields were very similar to the teachings of Buddhism.
As His Holiness pointed out a few times in the movie, Buddha told his followers they were not to take his teachings merely on faith, but they should use study and research to find their own conclusions to questions about Buddhism.
At times, “The Dalai Lama: Scientist,” written and directed by Dawn Gifford Engle, plays and sounds like a corporate promotional film, seemingly treating the Dalai Lama as a product instead of a person.
At other moments, the movie is a bit too reverential toward the Dalai Lama who, throughout, displays a very grounded personality, a sense of humor and a quick-thinking mind.
The film spotlights a spiritual leader who is not afraid of change — in fact, he welcomes progress.
A discussion helps extend knowledge, thus the field of scientific research can expand, the Dalai Lama says at one point.
The movie makes it clear that the Dalai Lama is an individual who always looks ahead. You see the joy on his face during the discussions of the various disciplines. He seems to absorb some of theories being offered and, several times, he interrupts and points out how those theories are similar to Buddhist teachings and precepts.
“The Dalai Lama: Scientist” is the story of a leader whose lifelong search for truth and knowledge, as well as his fascination with science and technology, has led to a movement welding fact and spirituality into a cohesive bond that he hopes can expand learning and help improve the world.
I am a founding member of the Indiana Film Journalists Association. My reviews appear at ReelBob (reelbob.com) and Rottentomatoes (www.rottentomatoes.com). I also review Blu-rays and DVDs. I can be reached by email at bobbloomjc@gmail.com or on Twitter @ReelBobBloom. Links to my reviews can be found on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
2½ stars out of 4
Not rated