ReelBob: ‘Outlier’ ★★½
By Bob Bloom
“Outlier” is an abduction thriller mixed with a technological warning about the over-reliance on artificial intelligence and the algorithms they calculate.
The movie’s biggest drawback is that it tips its hand too soon and fails to bring anything new to stories about women fighting back against abusers.
Olivia (Jessica Denton) is trying to escape her abusive relationship with James (Logan Fleisher). At a service station, they have an altercation in which a stranger, Thomas (Thomas Cheslek), intervenes and rescues Olivia.
With no place to go, she accepts Thomas’ offer of returning with him to his house until she decides what to do next.
Olivia is a very passive person, unable to make decisions and always apologizing for things that need no apologies.
Thomas appears helpful, but from the outset, you realize something is very off with him. He is secretive and — while continually reassuring Olivia that she is safe and that he has her best interests at heart — is somewhat controlling.
Writer-director Nate Strayer — who also has a small role as Olivia’s brother, Charlie — tips his plotline shows his cards too quickly.
Thomas, using an A.I. algorithm he invented, basically makes Olivia a prisoner — a bird in a gilded cage. His aim is to transform her into a more assertive person, willing to stand up and take care of herself.
At times, the relationship between Thomas and Olivia seems to become more abusive and dangerous than her time with James.
Thomas lies to her, drugs her and, when she tries to flee, chains her to prevent her escaping. Throughout, he constantly tells her that what he is doing is for her own good.
He explains the algorithm to her, telling Olivia that he is following what the A.I. tells him is best to help her find herself.
But there’s an unsettling atmosphere underlying the movie. Thomas’ actions are disturbing almost like killing the patient to find the cure.
On the upside, “Outlier,” shot during the pandemic with a minimal cast and crew, looks great. The wooded region where the movie was shot is gorgeous. The performances by Denton and Cheslek are solid.
Yet, if you strip away the A.I. stuff, “Outlier” remains a standard abused woman working to escape from a controlling man who believes he knows what is best for her.
It really adds nothing new to the genre.
I am a founding member of the Indiana Film Journalists Association. I review movies, 4K UHD, Blu-rays and DVDs for ReelBob (ReelBob.com), The Film Yap and other print and online publications. I can be reached by email at bobbloomjc@gmail.com. You also can follow me on Twitter @ReelBobBloom and on Facebook at ReelBob.com or the Indiana Film Journalists Association. My movie reviews also can be found at Rotten Tomatoes: www.rottentomatoes.com.
2½ stars out of 4
Not rated, violence, language